
Romanos Kostas

Painter Kostas Romanos was born in Heraklion, Crete in 1907. He studied under Evaggelos Markogiannakis and then enrolled at the Athens School of Fine Arts (he graduated in 1932) and studied under D. Biskinis, P. Mathiopoulos, G. Iakovidis, and Sp. Vikatos. He was president of the Artistic and Literary Association of Chania (1938). He taught in secondary education, in pedagogical academies and in the School of Assistant Engineers of the Athens Polytechnic School.

He held solo exhibitions in Athens, Crete and New York (1975) and took part in exhibitions, first in Crete (1st Post-WWII Exhibition of Chania in 1945, 1st Group Art Exhibition which was held in Rethymnon in 1951 etc.) and then in Athens (Pan-Hellenic Exhibitions – 1960 etc.). He was a member of the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece. Kostas Romanos died in Athens in 1982.