
Orfanos Lambros
Artwork date:
Aquarelle on paper
25 Χ 33 cm

Aegean 1950

Orfanos Lambros

Lambros Orfanos was born in Athens on October 26, 1916 and died in Athens on June 16, 1995. His parents were Minas Orfanos and Flora Orfanou, née Chalkea. At a very young age he was admitted to the then newly-founded Nikos Exarchopoulos’ Experimental School of the University of Athens, where he studied under distinguished professors and developed his artistic tendencies. In 1936 exhibited for the first time four of his works at Parnassos as a student of the Preparatory Department of the Athens School of Fine Arts.

Two years later he was admitted to the painting workshops of the Athens School of Fine Arts where he studied under Umvertos Argyros and Epameinondas Thomopoulos for four years, together with G. Vakirtzis, Eirini Lytra, and Aliki Christea. In 1943, after having obtained his degree in painting, he enrolled in the Engraving workshop, where he studied under Jean Kefalinos until 1947. Some of his fellow students were Louisa Montessantou, A. Bacharian, Smaragda Valata, Maria Ramfou and others. At the same time, he studied History of Art under Pantelis Prevelakis and following his graduation with a degree in Theoretical and Historical Studies, he worked as Curator of the Department.

Wood engraving was a less than common specialization at the time and there were few craftsmen who used this particular technique; the materials were also expensive and hard to find. However, Jean Kefalinos’ ambition was to show his students the way to became equally proficient in terms of technique as he was. Thus, in order to counterbalance the lack of materials, he had his students work on small pieces of wood or copper. This enabled Lambros Orfanos to refine his engraving techniques.

Following his graduation from the Athens School of Fine Arts, Lambros Orfanos was appointed professor of Arts and Crafts at a Girls’ High School in Kozani, where he remained until the end of the academic year before returning to Athens. In 1949 he married the painter and mosaicist Elli Mourelou. In the same year, he was hired by the Bank of Greece as Head of the Artistic Design and Engraving Department of the Bank of Greece Banknote Printing Works, after a public competition and a personal recommendation by Kefallinos himself, who regarded Orfanos as an exceptional engraver.

In 1952 he was the first graphic arts artist to be granted a post-graduate scholarship from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation, and he left for Paris where he studied at a post-graduate level for three years at the engraving workshop of the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts under renowned engraver Robert Cami. During his studies he won the second and third prizes in engraving in 1953 and the first prize in 1954. In 1955 he was awarded the title of Maître du Burin, an extremely rare honour for an engraver in France.

Lambros Orfanos was deeply influenced by Cami, and the latter expressed his profound appreciation and admiration for his Greek student’s dexterity; at one point he asked him: Toi, qu’est-ce que tu cherches ici? Je n’ai rien à t’apprendre (What are you doing here? I have nothing to teach you).

At the same time, Orfanos studied at the Collège Technique Estienne, where he focused on the art of the book, on the microengraving of stamps, letters, banknotes and values under the guidance of René Cottet. He also studied printing methods at the Imprimerie Nationale des Timbres-Poste in Paris.

In Paris he befriended many painters and engravers such as Panayiotis Tetsis -with whom he remained close friends until his death- as well as Gabriela Simosi, Dikos Vyzantios, Kostas Panopoulos, Y. Gaitis and K. Grammatopoulos.

At that time Lambros Orfanos also worked on postage stamp art. In addition to three Greek never issued postage stamps, which he produced for the Hellenic Post in 1954 – 1955 (“Shepherd with Flute“, “Lily“, “Meteora“), he produced three more for the French State, and two for the French colonies, which were issued signed by his teacher, R. Cami because L. Orfanos, who was not a French citizen, he was not formally entitled to undertake state-funded projects.

In early 1960s, the fact that Lambros Orfanos had become an expert in micro-engraving on steel, and that X. Zolotas was Governor of the Bank of Greece, allowed for Greece to produce its own banknotes on steel plates, which were printed at the Bank of Greece Banknote Printing Works of the National Mint. His first project, in collaboration with I. Stinis, was to produce the 50-drachma banknote for the Bank of Greece: in fact it was the first ever Greek banknote that was produced using the six-colour intaglio printing technique and was engraved on steel plates using a technology made available by the Gualtiero Giori Company; it depicted Arethusa on recto (date of circulation: 1964). It worth noting that -at present- the Roberto Giori Company (De La Rue – Giori Company) holds a 98% share of the global market of banknote and value printers as well as banknote printing, value printing and high-security government document printing.

Lambros Orfanos, as Head of the Artistic Design and Engraving Department of the Bank of Greece Banknote Printing Works, introduced new aesthetic standards as regards the design and illustration of Greek banknotes, and proposed a new perspective which was in line with Greece’s economic and intellectual resurgence. This new approach by Orfanos differed significantly from the dominating classicizing aesthetics in most of the banknotes of that time; the simplicity and minimalism of his expressive means, as well as the unique aesthetic value and technical perfection, caused a stir at an international level.

Following the completion of his postgraduate studies, he returned to Greece and continued working at the Bank of Greece Banknote Printing Works. He designed a complete series of issued banknotes and values. In 1963, he was sent to Brussels together with Al. Korogiannakis in order to improve their knowledge as regards the printing system of the new machines that had been acquired by the Bank of Greece Banknote Printing Works. After the passing of Korogiannakis, Lambros Orfanos made several training trips in Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France.

In 1963 he entered into a contract for the engraving of banknotes for various countries with the pioneering banknote and value printing company Organisation Giori Company, Lausanne, Switzerland (De La Rue – Giori Company).

His first work, back in 1964 and in collaboration with I. Stinis, was the 10-dollar banknote for the Bank of Canada, which bore a portrait of Elizabeth II Queen of England, on recto. Thus, Lambros Orfanos became the only Greek engraver to have designed and engraved on steel plates a complete Central Bank banknote for a foreign country.

Unfortunately, however, the Greek establishment cancelled the contract with Organisation Giori. Nevertheless, in the 1970s he received an official invitation from the Central Bank of Chile to design and engrave a complete series of government banknotes. With the fall of President Allende, this proposal was not materialised.

Also, Lambros Orfanos designed all the Greek coins from 1973 to 1976 for the Hellenic Republic, and produced their moulds in steel, first in collaboration with I. Stinis and then together with sculptors T. Papagiannis and N. Perantinos. He retired from the Bank of Greece in 1977.

Lambros Orfanos, during his thirty-five years as an artist, managed to a shape a multifaceted style that evolved on a wide range of activities such as painting and engraving, stage design and the illustration of books, diaries and magazines, as well as the production of various documents and posters; it is generally considered to have introduced a very disciplined approach to the graphic arts in Greece and France. The multidimensionality of his work is proven by numerous examples:

He designed the tax stamps of the Greek Monarchy and of the Hellenic Republic. In the 1960s, he created the logo of the Agricultural Insurance Organization of the Agricultural Bank of Greece, as well as its pension bonds. He designed posters for the Greek National Tourism Organisation, the Thessaloniki Art Festivals, and the French Institute of Athens. In 1961 he won the 1st prize for his poster on the population census. He also worked as a stage designer for the V. Argyropoulos’ theatre group Ελληνική Κωμωδία (Greek Comedy) in Athens. He also made a portrait of Elsa Vergi and created the logo of her theatre group and the 1959 – 1960 Winter Program. In 1977, he also created two postage stamps for the Hellenic Post: one for the Restoration of the Hellenic Republic (20 drachmas) and one for Greeks Abroad (5 drachmas). In 1959 he applied for the chair of engraving at the Athens School of Fine Arts which was ultimately given to K. Grammatopoulos.

In late 1950s, Lambros Orfanos turned to painting, mainly in situ landscape painting (oil painting, watercolour, pastel). He also portrayed scenes from amusement parks and the interior of houses (interiorisme), and created several portraits. He was particularly fond of the work of the French painter Pierre Bonnard. His painting works, in which he employed a rich palette of colour contrasts, are indicative of the evolution of his style towards a singular, restrained abstraction.

From 1948 to 1973, he took part in eight Pan-Hellenic exhibitions (1948, 1952, 1957, 1960, 1963, 1967, 1971, and 1973), and from 1951 to 1969, he participated in the exhibitions of the Association of Bank of Greece Employees. The first and only retrospective exhibition of his engraving work took place in 1994, at Nikos Grigorakis’ Υάκινθος Art Gallery in Athens.

He chose to participate mainly in international exhibitions (Paris, London, Lugano, Santiago, Alexandria Biennial, São Paulo Biennial, Rio de Janeiro, Stockholm, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Romania, Argentina, United States, etc.). At the Alexandria Biennial in 1957, he received an honourable mention for his work Birds as well as an Engraving Award.

He was a member of the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece, the Free Artists of Paris, the Salon d’Automne and the Engraving Department of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts.

Lambros Orfanos was one of the leading artists of his time. However, his valuable contribution to contemporary Greek art -especially to engraving- had not been recognised until 2010. Since he first appeared as an artist and throughout his entire career, his work was always praised by critics who saw in him a dexterous and sophisticated painter and engraver.

Several of his works are part of the collections of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Culture, Education and Tourism, as well as those of the Bank of Greece, Piraeus Bank, Alpha Bank, the National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation, and Heracles General Cement Corporation. Also, his works adorn the collections of the National Gallery, the G. I. Katsigras Museum, the Acropolis Museum, the Museum of Modern Greek Culture, the Numismatic Museum, the Alex. Kontopoulos Museum, and the Goulandris Natural History Museum. The same applies to the collections of important municipal art galleries, museums, institutions, historical archives, universities, and libraries in Athens and all over Greece.

Moreover, many of his works are part of the collections of the Boston Public Library, the Portland Art Museum, and the Getty Foundation in the United States, of the Royal Collection of Sweden, of the Central Banks of France, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Canada and Chile, of the Embassies of Greece in Austria, Hungary, Peru, and South Africa, of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Israel, and Romania. His works also form part of large private collections in Greece and abroad.



1935       1st Annual Exhibition of the Association of Students of the Athens School of Fine Arts, Parnassos (4 artworks)

1945       Exhibition of works by Greek Artists, Parnassos (3 artworks, 2 of which were woodcuts).

1948       3rd Pan-Hellenic Exhibition, Zappeion Megaron (4 watercolours)

1952       4th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition (3 watercolours and 1 copperplate engraving)

1954       Salon d’Automne, Paris (2 copperplate engravings, Burin)

1955       Exposition Nationale des Beaux-Arts (National Fine Arts Exhibition), Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris (2 copperplate engravings, burin) (He participated as a selected member)

1955       Exposition des artistes étrangers en France (Exhibition of works by foreign artists living in France). Representing Greece, Petit Palais, Paris (1 painting)

1956       International Engraving Exhibition ΒIANCΟ Ε NERO, Lugano, Switzerland (4 copperplate engravings and 1 linoleum)

1957       5th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition, Zappeion Megaron (5 copperplate engravings and 1 silkscreen print)

1957       Exhibition of works by Greek Artists, Thessaloniki International Fair

1957       International Engraving Exhibition, Santiago, Chile

1957       2nd Alexandria Biennial, Alexandria, Egypt (4 copperplate engravings)

1958       International Engraving Exhibition, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

1959       5th São Paulo Biennial, São Paulo Museum of Contemporary Art, São Paulo, Brazil (5 copperplate engravings)

1959       Exhibition Art Grec Contemporain (Contemporary Greek Art), Raymond Creuze Art Gallery, Paris (6 copperplate engravings, 1 linoleum)

1960       Greek Engraving Exhibition Nudita Grekish Graphik, Stockholm (9 copperplate engravings and 1 woodcut)

1960       6th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition, Zappeion Megaron (5 copperplate engravings)

1962       Greek Art Exhibition, Bezalel National Art Museum, Jerusalem, Israel

1962       Greek Art Exhibition, Haifa Museum of Art, Haifa, Israel

1962       Greek Art Exhibition, Tel Aviv Municipal Art Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel

1963       7th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition, Zappeion Megaron (3 copperplate engravings)

1963       Greek Art Exhibition, Romania

1963       Exhibition of works by Greek Engravers in America, University of Oregon

1964       Exhibition of Greek and American Engraving works, Athens (2 copperplate engravings)

1965       Engraving Exhibition in Argentina

1967       9th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition, Zappeion Megaron (2 oil paintings)

1969       10th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition, Zappeion Megaron (1 oil painting)

1969       Group Exhibition, Ώρα Art Gallery, Athens

1971       11th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition, Zappeion Megaron (2 oil paintings)

1973       12th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition, Zappeion Megaron (2 oil paintings)

1975       13th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition, Zappeion Megaron (1 oil painting)

1951-1969       Exhibitions of Paintings by the Employees of the Bank of Greece

1993       Exhibition Greek Painting – Engraving, Art Collection of the Bank of Greece, The National Gallery – Alexandros Soutsos Museum, Athens (1 oil painting, 2 copperplate engravings)

1994       Retrospective exhibition of his engraving works, Υάκινθος Art Gallery, Kifissia (56 copperplate engravings, woodcuts, linoleums)

1999       Exhibition Modern Greek Engravings – 20th Century from Ch. Leontiadis Collection, Ministry of Development – General Secretariat of Commerce, Athens (2 copperplate engravings)

2001       Exhibition Greek Artists in Paris, Επιστροφή Art Gallery, Athens (1 copperplate engraving)

2003       Exhibition Greek Engravers of the Twentieth Century, National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation – Alpha Bank, Eynard Mansion, Athens (3 copperplate engravings)

2003       Exhibition Greek Engravers of the Twentieth Century, National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation – Alpha Bank, National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation, Patras (3 copperplate engravings)

2003       Exhibition Greek Engravers of the Twentieth Century, National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation – Alpha Bank, Hydra Museum-Historical Archives, Hydra (3 copperplate engravings)

2004       Exhibition Greek Engravers of the Twentieth Century, National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation – Alpha Bank, Kapandji Villa, Cultural Centre of the National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation, Thessalonica (3 copperplate engravings)

2004       Exhibition Greek Engravers of the Twentieth Century, National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation – Alpha Bank, Rethymnon (3 copperplate engravings)

2004       Exhibition 90 Years of Modern Greek Engraving 1919 – 2004, Yannis Papakonstantinou Collection, P. Psychiko Municipal Art Gallery (1 copperplate engraving)

2005       Permanent Artwork Exhibition, Arcadian Art Museum, Levidi, Arcadia (1 linoleum, 4 wood engravings)

2005       Exhibition Greek Engravers of the Twentieth Century, National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation – Alpha Bank, Ioannina Municipal Art Gallery, Ioannina (3 copperplate engravings)

2006       Permanent Exhibition A history of Greece’s banknotes, National Bank of Greece Banknote Museum, National Bank of Greece Historical Archive, Athens (6 banknotes)

2009       Exhibition 100 Years of Modern Greek Engraving, Yannis Papakonstantinou Collection, Art Gallery of the Society for Macedonian Studies, Thessalonica (1 copperplate engraving)

2009       Exhibition Modern Greek Engraving: Pioneers, Teachers and Engravers of the 20th Century. Works from the Collections of M. Ventouris & P. Voutsas, Ch. Leontiadis, N. Mastropavlos, Y. Papakonstantinou, G. Rizopoulos and I. Christodoulou (2 copperplate engravings)

2010       Exhibition on the occasion of the 65th Anniversary of the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece entitled Human figure in art – Modern Greek Engraving: Pioneers, Teachers and Leading Figures, Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece, Technopolis of Athens, Gazi (3 copperplate engravings)

2011       Permanent Exhibition of Artwork Collections, Archaeological Museum of the Sacred City of Missolonghi (1 copperplate engraving)

2011       Permanent Exhibition of Artwork Collections, Aetolia-Acarnania Folklore Museum, Missolonghi (2 woodcuts, 2 linoleums)

2011       Permanent Art Exhibition, Fondation Hellénique, Paris, France (2 copperplate engravings)

2013       Engraving Exhibition from the G. I. Katsigras Collection, Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa – G. I. Katsigras Museum, Larissa (11 copperplate engravings, 1 zinc etching)

2013       Permanent Exhibition of Artwork Collections, Goulandris Natural History Museum, Athens (1 oil painting)

2014       Modern Greek Printmaking, selected works from the Yannis Papakonstantinou Collection in celebration of the Greek EU Presidency, Europe House in London, London, United Kingdom (1 copperplate engraving)

2014       Exhibition in celebration of the European Night of Museums – International Museum Day, National Bank of Greece Historical Archive, Athens (3 copperplate engravings, 1 handmade silkscreen print)

2014       Exhibition P. Tetsis, L. Orfanos – Copperplate Engravings, Gyzi Megaron, Santorini – National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation, Fira, Santorini (21 copperplate engravings)

2014       Exhibition Athens, 180 Years as the Capital of Greece Athens Municipal Art Gallery, Culture, Sports and Youth Organisation of the Municipality of Athens, Athens (2 copperplate engravings, 1 woodcut)

2014       Permanent Exhibition of Artwork Collection, Gyzi Megaron Museum, Santorini (1 zinc etching)

2014       Permanent Art Exhibition, Embassy of Greece in Vienna, Austria (1 watercolour, 4 copperplate engravings, 2 woodcuts)

2015       Permanent Art Exhibition, Embassy of Greece in Budapest, Hungary (1 copperplate engraving, 1 woodcut)

2015       Engraving exhibition, “A. Kontopoulos” Lamia Municipal Art Gallery, Engravings from the Permanent Collections of Lamia Municipal Art Gallery, Lamia (1 copperplate engraving)

2015       Exhibition Engraving Vocabularies – From the Archive Works from the archive of Athens Printmaking Art Centre – Pandolfini & Siaterli, National Bank of Greece Historical Archive, Athens (2 copperplate engravings, 3 woodcuts)

2016       Permanent Exhibition of the Artwork Collection, The Italian Institute, Athens (2 copperplate engravings)

2016       Permanent Art Exhibition, Embassy of Romania in Greece, Athens (3 copperplate engravings)

2016       Exhibition 100 Years of Greek Printmaking from the Christos and Polly Kolliali Collection, Sismanoglio Megaro of the Consulate General of Greece in Istanbul, Turkey. (1 copperplate engraving)

2016       Exhibition in celebration of the European Night of Museums – International Museum Day, National Bank of Greece Historical Archive, Athens, (3 copperplate engravings, 1 handmade silkscreen print, 6 banknotes, 1 Hellenic Post postage stamp)

2016       New Permanent Exhibition Greek Banknotes. Historical Evidence Ionian Bank Banknote Museum, Alpha Bank, Corfu (6 banknotes)

2016       Permanent Art Exhibition, Research Institute of Byzantine Culture, Mystras, University of Peloponnese, Sparta (1 copperplate engraving, 1 woodcut, 1 zinc etching)

2016       Permanent Art Exhibition, Greek Philologist’s Society, Athens (1 woodcut)

2016       Permanent Art Exhibition, Greek Liaison Office in Skopje, FYROM (3 copperplate engravings, 1 woodcut)

2016       Exhibition Leading Greek Engravers, Museum of Modern Greek Art, Nestorideio Melathro, Rhodes Municipal Art Gallery, Rhodes (2 copperplate engravings)

2016       Permanent Art Exhibition, Sismanoglio Megaro, Consulate General of Greece in Istanbul, Turkey (1 copperplate engraving)

2016       Permanent Exhibition of the Museum of the Olive and Greek Olive Oil, Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation, Sparta (1 woodcut)

2016       Exhibition Nuda Veritas – Naked Truth Lambros Orfanos & Elli Mourelou – Orfanou, Drawings (1954), Ελένη Μαρνέρη Art Gallery, Athens (9 drawings by L. Orfanos / 17 drawings, 1 oil painting by E. M. Orfanou)

2016       Exhibition Common Landscapes of Life and Art, 1945 – 1965, Lambros Orfanos & Elli Mourelou – Orfanou, “A. Kontopoulos” Lamia Municipal Art Gallery, Lamia (6 copperplate engravings, 2 linoleums, 4 woodcuts, 2 handmade silkscreen prints, 14 oil paintings, 4 watercolours, 3 drawings by L. Orfanos and 20 oil paintings, 3 watercolours, 3 drawings, 6 acrylics by E. M. Orfanou, 67 artworks in total)

2017       Exhibition Parallel Lives in Art, Lambros Orfanos & Elli Mourelou – Orfanou, Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa – G. I. Katsigras Museum, Larissa, (13 copperplate engravings, 1 woodcut, 1 zinc etching, 1 linoleum, 4 oil paintings, 1 drawing, 1 watercolour by L. Orfanos, 1 copperplate engraving, 1 drawing, 1 mixed media, 1 watercolour, 2 acrylics, and 1 oil painting by E. M. Orfanou, 29 artworks in total)

2017       Permanent Art Exhibition, Embassy of Israel in Greece, Athens (2 copperplate engravings)

2017       Permanent Art Exhibition, Embassy of Greece in Pretoria, South Africa, (1 oil pastel, 1 copperplate engravings)

2017       Permanent Art Exhibition, University of Peloponnese, Department of Philology, School of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Kalamata (3 copperplate engravings)

2017       Permanent Art Exhibition, Lilian Voudouri Music Library of Greece, Athens (2 copperplate engravings)

2017       Exhibition Parallel Lives in Art, Lambros Orfanos & Elli Mourelou – Orfanou, organised by the Hydra Museum-Historical Archives and the  Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa – G. I. Katsigras Museum, Hydra (15 copperplate engravings, 1 woodcut, 1 zinc etching, 1 linoleum, 4 oil paintings, 1 drawing, and 3 watercolours by L. Orfanos as well as 1 copperplate engraving, 3 drawings, 1 mixed media, 1 watercolour, 2 acrylics, and 2 oil paintings by E. M. Orfanou, 36 artworks in total)

2017       Permanent Art Exhibition, Folklore – Historical Museum of Larissa, Larissa. (1 linoleum, 1 oil painting)

2017       Permanent Art Exhibition, Collection of Portraits by Greek Artists, Stoa Art, Athens (1 pastel, 2 oil paintings)

2018       Permanent Art Exhibition, Athens Municipal Art Gallery, Athens (1 copperplate engraving)

2018       Permanent Art Exhibition, Embassy of the United Mexican States in Greece, Athens (1 copperplate engraving)

2018       Exhibition Frames of reference: From the Bank of Greece Collection, the Benaki Museum Cultural Centre at 138 Pireos Street, the Bank of Greece Centre for Culture, Research and Documentation, Athens (1 oil painting, 1 watercolour)

2018       Exhibition Greek Printmaking, an Overview from the Kollialis Collection on the occasion of the Greek Independence Day (March 25th), under the auspices of the Honorary Consul of Greece, Pappas Mansion, Salzburg, Austria. (1 woodcut, 3 copperplate engravings)

2018       Exhibition Greek Printmaking, an Overview from the Kollialis Collection on the occasion of the Greek Independence Day (March 25th), Embassy of Greece in Vienna. Vienna, Austria (2 woodcuts, 6 copperplate engravings)

2018       Exhibition Printmaking as a social comment, House of Cyprus, Athens, Athens Print Festival 2018. Produced by the Athens Printmaking Art Centre – Pandolfini & Siaterli CNPP, the Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Cyprus and the Museo Civico Delle Cappuccine – Gabinetto Delle Stampe di Bagnacavallo di Ravenna, Italy (2 copperplate engravings)

2018       Exhibition Printmaking as a social comment, Italian Institute, Athens, Athens Print Festival 2018. Produced by the Athens Printmaking Art Centre – Pandolfini & Siaterli CNPP, the Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Cyprus and the Museo Civico Delle Cappuccine – Gabinetto Delle Stampe di Bagnacavallo di Ravenna, Italy (3 copperplate engravings, 1 colour linoleum)

2019       Exhibition Acquisitions 2 form the collections of the Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa – G. I. Katsigras Museum. Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa – G. I. Katsigras Museum, Larissa (1 watercolour)

2019       Exhibition Greece: Land of Heroes from the Kollialis Collection on the occasion of the Greek Independence Day (March 25th), under the auspices of the Consul of Greece in Ukraine, Odessa Greek Cultural Institute, Odessa, Ukraine (1 copperplate engraving)

2019       Permanent Exhibition of Engraving Works, Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Limassol, Cyprus (1 wood engraving, 1 copperplate engraving on hardened steel, 1 illustrated book)

2019       Exhibition Parallel Narrativein celebration of the International Museum Day from the Art Collections of the Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa – G. I. Katsigras Museum, Larissa (1 oil painting, 5 copperplate engravings)

2019       Exhibition Exceptions: Views of Expressionism in Greece from the Collections of the Athens Municipal Art Gallery, Athens Municipal Art Gallery, Athens (2 copperplate engravings by Lambros Orfanos and 1 acrylic by Elli Mourelou – Orfanou)

2019       Exhibition Offer – IV from the Permanent Collections of Agrinio Municipal Art Gallery, Agrinio Municipal Art Gallery, Agrinio (3 wood engravings, 5 copperplate engravings, and 2 oil paintings by Lambros Orfanos as well as 3 oil paintings, and 1 acrylic by Elli Mourelou – Orfanou.

2021       Exhibition Printmaking as a social comment, Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum. Produced by the by the Athens Printmaking Art Centre – Pandolfini & Siaterli CNPP and the Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Nicosia, Cyprus (1 copperplate engraving)

2021       Exhibition Engraving. From Prehistory to Present-Day Greece, Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece, Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens (1 copperplate engraving)

2022       Exhibition Rebetiko, Culture, Sports and Youth Organisation of the Municipality of Athens, Athens Municipal Art Gallery, Athens (1 copperplate engraving)

2022       Exhibition Engraving Life, Lambros Orfanos & Elli Mourelou – Orfanou, 1944 – 1966, Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Platanisteia, Cyprus. (8 woodcuts, 2 colour and 1 black and white linoleums, 22 copperplate engravings, 1 copperplate engraving stage, 7 engraving drafts, 1 colour handmade silkscreen print, 2 books illustrated by L. Orfanos, 1 copperplate engraving by E. M. Orfanou as well as 1 woodcut, and 1 copperplate engraving by Robert Cami, 45 artworks in total)

2022       Exhibition 30 + 1 Greek Engravers, Frattis Auctions Hall, Athens (1 copperplate engraving)

2022       Exhibition Engraving Life, Lambros Orfanos & Elli Mourelou – Orfanou, 1944 – 1966 Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Nicosia, Cyprus. (8 woodcuts, 2 colour and 1 black and white linoleums, 22 copperplate engravings, 1 copperplate engraving stage, 5 engraving drafts, 1 colour handmade silkscreen print, 2 books illustrated by L. Orfanos, 1 copperplate engraving by E. M. Orfanou as well as 1 woodcut, and 1 copperplate engraving by Robert Cami, 45 artworks in total)



  • The National Gallery – Alexandros Soutsos Museum, Athens
  • Athens Municipal Art Gallery, Athens
  • Art Collection of the Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens
  • Art Collection of the Bank of Greece, Athens
  • Art Collection of Alpha Bank, Athens
  • Art Collection of the American College of Greece – Deree College, Athens
  • Collections of Portraits by Greek Artists, Athens
  • The Benaki Museum, Athens
  • The Acropolis Museum, Athens
  • Goulandris Natural History Museum, Athens
  • Museum of Modern Greek Culture, Athens
  • Numismatic Museum, Athens
  • National Historical Museum, Athens
  • Museum and Study Centre of the Greek Theatre, Athens
  • Ministry of Education, Athens
  • Ministry of Culture, Athens
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Athens
  • Ministry of Tourism, Athens
  • General State Archives, Athens
  • National Bank of Greece Historical Archive, Athens
  • Agricultural Insurance Organization, Athens
  • National Statistical Service of Greece
  • National Book Centre of Greece, Athens
  • Bank of Greece Centre for Culture, Research and Documentation, Athens
  • Hellenic Post, Athens
  • The Canadian Institute in Greece, Athens
  • The French Institute, Athens
  • The Italian Institute, Athens
  • Bank of Greece Banknote Museum, Athens
  • National Bank of Greece Banknote Museum, Athens
  • Alpha Bank Banknote Museum (formerly Ionian Bank Banknote Museum), Alpha Bank, Corfu
  • Teloglion Fine Arts Foundation, Aristotle University of Thessalonica, Thessalonica
  • University of Peloponnese, School of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Kalamata
  • Research Institute of Byzantine Culture, Mystras, University of Peloponnese, Sparta
  • National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation, Athens
  • Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation, Athens
  • Social and Cultural Affairs Welfare Foundation, Athens
  • Rhodes Municipal Art Gallery, Rhodes
  • Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa – G. I. Katsigras Museum, Larissa
  • Lamia Municipal Art Gallery – A. Kontopoulos Museum, Lamia
  • Corfu Municipal Art Gallery, Corfu
  • Heraklion Municipal Art Gallery, Crete
  • Chania Municipal Art Gallery, Crete
  • Agrinio Municipal Art Gallery, Agrinio
  • Folklore – Historical Museum of Larissa, Larissa
  • Aetolia-Acarnania Folklore Museum, Missolonghi
  • Archaeological Museum of the Sacred City of Missolonghi, Missolonghi
  • Arcadian Art Museum, Levidi, Arcadia
  • Museum of the Olive and Greek Olive Oil, Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation, Sparta
  • Hydra Museum-Historical Archives, Hydra
  • Gyzi Megaron Museum, Santorini
  • Tetsis Home & Studio, National Historical Museum, Hydra
  • Kairios Library, Andros
  • Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Athens
  • Lilian Voudouri Music Library of Greece, Athens
  • Historical and Ethnological Society of Greece, Athens
  • Friends of Music Society, The Athens Concert Hall, Athens
  • Greek Philologist’s Society, Athens
  • Hellenic Society of Translators of Literature, Athens
  • Athens Printmaking Art Centre – Pandolfini & Siaterli CNPP, Athens
  • Embassy of Romania in Greece, Athens
  • Embassy of Israel in Greece, Athens
  • Embassy of the United Mexican States in Greece, Athens
  • Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Greece, Cultural and Educational Office, House of Cyprus, Athens
  • Max Hallecker Conservatory, Athens



  • Boston Public Library, U.S.A.
  • The Vivian and Gordon Gilkey Graphics Art Collection. Portland Art Museum, Oregon, U.S.A.
  • Getty Foundation, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
  • Bank of Canada, Canada
  • Bank of Belgium, Belgium
  • Central Bank of Chile, Chile
  • Central Bank of Switzerland, Switzerland
  • Central Bank of Austria, Austria
  • Swedish Royal Collection, Stockholm, Sweden
  • National Library of Norway, Oslo, Norway
  • Museo Civico Delle Cappuccine, Gabinetto Delle Stampe di Bagnacavallo, Ravenna, Italy
  • Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Limassol, Cyprus
  • Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Nicosia, Cyprus
  • Embassy of Greece in Vienna, Austria
  • Embassy of Greece in Budapest, Hungary
  • Embassy of Greece in Pretoria, South Africa
  • Embassy of Greece in Lima, Peru
  • Consulate General of Greece in Istanbul, Turkey
  • Greek Liaison Office in Skopje, FYROM
  • Piura University Collection, Lima, Peru
  • School of Fine Arts Collection, Paris, France
  • Bank of France Collection, Paris, France
  • Fondation Hellénique, Paris, France
  • Imprimerie Nationale des Timbres-Poste, Paris, France
  • Collection of Her Royal Highness Princess Irene of Greece and Denmark, Madrid, Spain
  • Organisation Roberto Giori, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • De La Rue – Giori Company (Banknotes and Values Printing Company), Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Canadian Bank Note Company (CBNC), Banknotes and Values Printing Company, Ottawa, Canada
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican States, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus



General Books – Exhibition Catalogues

Greek WHO’S WHO, Athens 1962, p. 384.

Papyrus Larousse Encyclopaedia, Athens 1964, issue 10, p. 845.

Ang. Prokopiou, History of Art 1750-1950, issue 3, Athens 1957, p. 345.

Mar. Kalligas, Contemporary Greek Art, ΩΡΑ editions, Athens 1970, p. 144.

Catalogue of the IV Mostra Internazionale di Bianco e Nero, Lugano 1956, p. 44.

Catalogue of the 2nd Alexandria Biennial, Alexandria 1957 (photo of award-winning artwork: Birds and p. 53).

Diary 1958, Heracles General Cement Corporation, Athens (p. 8 biographical note, p. 94 photo of the artwork Landscape of Granada, Spain – copperplate engraving)

Catalogue of the 5th São Paulo Biennial, Ibirapuera Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo, Brazil, 09/12/1959 (p. 226, biographical note)

Catalogue of the exhibition Art grec contemporain, Galerie R. Creuze, Salle Balzac, Paris, 1959 (photo of the artwork Mme Marthe and biographical note).

Catalogue of the exhibition Nutida Grekisk Grafik, Stockholm 1960, p. 14, journal Κύκλος, issue VII, April 1967, (The white horse, copperplate engraving, endpaper).

Catalogue of the exhibition of American and Greek engraving works, 6 – 20/4/1964, p. 12 (biographical note).

Α. Kourtikakis, Pan-Hellenic Fine Arts Guide, Athens 1975, p. 285.

St. Lydakis, The Greek Painters, vol. 4, Athens 1976, p. 308 – 309.

Diary 1977, Modern Greek Engraving, ΕΥΘΥΝΗ editions, February: Carnival, copperplate engraving (1956).

Τ. Spiteris, Three centuries of Modern Greek Art, issue 3, Athens 1979, p. 208 – 209.

Em. Mavrommatis, Morphoplastic and Technical Quests of Greek Engraving, 1892-1982, Rhodes 1983, p. 214 (two photographs of the artworks: Composition (or Amusement Park) and Girl with a rooster).

Ν. Grigorakis, Greek Engraving, 60 years (1924 – 1984), National Bank of Greece, Kastoria 1985, p. 20.

Ν. Grigorakis, Greek Engravers “engraved” the journal Νέα Εστία, Athens 1987, p. 7, 11 and 48 – 50.

Ch. Christou, Modern Greek Engraving, published by the Ionian Bank of Greece, Athens 1989, p. 92.

Album of the exhibition Greek Painting – Engraving, Bank of Greece Collection, The National Gallery – Alexandros Soutsos Museum (1 oil painting, 2 copperplate engravings), Athens 1993, p. 115, 143, 144, 216

Ε. Gkonou – Stylianidi, The First Greek Engravers who Designed the National Banknote and their Engraving Work, University of Athens – School of Philosophy, Department of History and Archaeology, Athens, 1995, volume I, pages 32, volume II, pages 132

Catalogue of the exhibition, Modern Greek Engravings – 20th Century from Ch. Leontiadis Collection, Ministry of Development, General Secretariat of Commerce (1 copperplate engraving on steel, back cover) published by the General Secretariat of Commerce of the Ministry of Development, Athens 1999, p. 6, 9, back cover.

Catalogue of the exhibition, Greek Artists in Paris, Επιστροφή Art Gallery (1 copperplate engraving), Athens 2001, cover p. 1, 17 photo of artwork The White Horse and biographical note.

Roula Gaki-Panteli, Greek Artists in Paris. Catalogue of the exhibition, Greek Artists in Paris, Επιστροφή Art Gallery, Athens 2001, p. 3.

Catalogue of the exhibition, Greek Engravers of the Twentieth CenturyCollections of Alpha Bank & the National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation (1 copperplate engraving), Athens 2003 p. 50, 119.

  1. Grigorakis, Two Centuries of Modern Greek Engraving – Y. Papakonstantinou Collection, Γκοβόστης editions, Athens 2004, p. 124, 125.

Catalogue of the exhibition, 90 Years of Modern Greek Engraving: 1919 – 2004 – Y. Papakonstantinou Collection, P. Psychiko Municipal Art Gallery, Athens 2004.

  1. Grigorakis, Subjects and exhibits of art and history (3 wood engravings, 1 linoleum), Μίλητος editions / Δρυάδες editions, Athens 2005, p. 106 – 107, 110, 178.

Gerasimos Notaras, Greek Banknotes, A Journey, 1822-2002, National Bank of Greece Historical Archive – Social and Cultural Affairs Welfare Foundation (5 copperplate engravings on steel), Athens 2005 p. 356, 358 – 361.

Catalogue of the exhibition Modern Greek Engraving: Pioneers, Teachers and Engravers of the 20th Century, Piraeus Municipal Art Gallery, published by Kostas Ch. Spanos, Athens 2009.

Catalogue of the exhibition 100 Years of Modern Greek Engraving – Y. Papakonstantinou Collection, Art Gallery of the Society for Macedonian Studies, Thessalonica 2009, p. 21.

Catalogue of the exhibition on the occasion of the 65th Anniversary of the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece entitled Human figure in art – Modern Greek Engraving: Pioneers, Teachers and Leading Figures, Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece, Technopolis of Athens Gazi, Athens 2009-2010, p. 64

Catalogue of the exhibition of Modern Greek Engraving, Modern Greek Engraving: Pioneers, Teachers and Leading Figures, Technopolis of Athens, Gazi, published by Kostas Ch. Spanos, Athens 2009, p. 4

Catalogue of the exhibition Modern Greek Printmaking, selected works from the Yannis Papakonstantinou Collection, in celebration of the Greek EU Presidency, Europe House in London, London 2014, United Kingdom (1 copperplate engraving), p. 74.

Nelli Kyriazi, Anthology of Greek Printmaking from the Yannis Papakonstantinou Collection. Catalogue of Modern Greek Printmaking, selected works from the Yannis Papakonstantinou Collection, 12 Star Gallery, Europe House of European Commission Representation in the UK, London 2014, United Kingdom, p. 14.

Catalogue of the exhibition Panayiotis Tetsis – Lambros Orfanos, Copperplate Engravings (3 photographs, 10 copperplate engravings), Gyzi  Megaron, Fira, Santorini – National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation, Santorini 2014, p. 1, 17 – 38.

Nelli Kyriazi, Copper Engravings by Lambros Orfanos. Catalogue of the exhibition Panayiotis Tetsis – Lambros Orfanos, Copperplate Engravings (3 photographs, 10 copperplate engravings), Gyzi Megaron, Fira, Santorini – National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation, Santorini 2014, p. 28 – 33.

Catalogue of the exhibition Athens, 180 Years as the Capital of Greece, (1 copperplate engraving on steel), Municipality of Athens, Culture, Sports and Youth Organisation of the Municipality of Athens, Athens Municipal Art Gallery, Athens 2014, p.56

Nelli Kyriazi, Foreword of the exhibition ENGRAVING VOCABULARIES – FROM THE ARCHIVE, hosted by the Athens Printmaking Art Centre (P. Pandolfini & D. Siaterli), National Bank of Greece Historical Archive, Athens 2015, p. 1 – 4

Catalogue of the permanent exhibition Greek Banknotes. Historical Evidence, (5 banknotes) Ionian Bank Banknote Museum, Corfu 2016, p. 36 – 37, cover.

Catalogue of the exhibition Common Landscapes of Life and Art, 1945 – 1965, Lambros Orfanos & Elli Mourelou – Orfanou (3 photographs, 6 copperplate engravings, 2 linoleums, 4 wood engravings, 2 handmade silkscreen prints, 14 oil paintings, 4 watercolours, 3 drawings by L. Orfanos and 20 oil paintings, 3 watercolours, 3 drawings, 6 acrylics by E. M. Orfanou, 67 artworks in total). Alekos Kontopoulos Museum – Lamia Municipal Art Gallery, Lamia 2016, p. 1, 7 – 27, p. 28 biographical note, cover, back cover.

Efi Papaefthimiou, Common Landscapes of Life and Art (1945 – 1965). Catalogue of the exhibition Common Landscapes of Life and Art, 1945 – 1965, Lambros Orfanos & Elli Mourelou – Orfanou (3 photographs, 6 copperplate engravings, 2 linoleums, 4 wood engravings, 2 handmade silkscreen prints, 14 oil paintings, 4 watercolours, 3 drawings by L. Orfanos and 20 oil paintings, 3 watercolours, 3 drawings, 6 acrylics by E. M. Orfanou, 67 artworks in total. Alekos Kontopoulos Museum – Lamia Municipal Art Gallery, Lamia 2016, p. 4 – 6

Catalogue of the exhibition Parallel Lives in Art Lambros Orfanos & Elli Mourelou – Orfanou (13 copperplate engravings, 1 linoleum, 1 wood engraving,1 zinc etching, 4 oil paintings, 1 watercolour, 1 drawing by L. Orfanos and 1 oil painting, 1 watercolour,1 drawing, 1 copperplate engraving, 1 mixed media, 2 acrylics by E. M. Orfanou, 29 artworks in total). Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa – G. I. Katsigras Museum, Larissa 2017, p. 5 – 33, cover.

Catalogue of the exhibition Parallel Lives in Art Lambros Orfanos & Elli Mourelou – Orfanou (13 copperplate engravings, 1 linoleum, 1 wood engraving, 1 zinc etching, 4 oil paintings, 1 watercolour, 1 drawing by L. Orfanos and 1 oil painting, 1 watercolour,1 drawing, 1 copperplate engraving, 1 mixed media, 2 acrylics by E. M. Orfanou, 29 artworks in total). Organised by the Hydra Museum-Historical Archives and the Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa – G. I. Katsigras Museum, Hydra 2017, p. 5 – 33, cover.

Catalogue of the exhibition Greek Printmaking, an Overview from the Kollialis Collection, on the occasion of the Greek Independence Day (March 25th), under the auspices of the Honorary Consul of Greece, Pappas Mansion (1 copperplate engraving). Pappas Mansion, Salzburg 2018, Austria.

Catalogue of the exhibition Greek Printmaking, an Overview from the Kollialis Collection, on the occasion of the Greek Independence Day (March 25th) (1 copperplate engraving). Embassy of Greece in Vienna, Vienna 2018, Austria,

Polly and Irini Kolliali, catalogue of the exhibition Greek Printmaking, an Overview from the Kollialis Collection, on the occasion of the Greek Independence Day (March 25th), under the auspices of the Honorary Consul of Greece, (1 copperplate engraving) Pappas Mansion, Salzburg 2018, Austria, p. 5, back cover.

Polly and Irini Kolliali, catalogue of the exhibition Greek Printmaking, an Overview from the Kollialis Collection, on the occasion of the Greek Independence Day (March 25th), Embassy of Greece in Vienna, Vienna 2018, Austria, p. 5, back cover.

Catalogue of the exhibition Frames of reference: From the Bank of Greece Collection (1 watercolour, 1 oil painting). The new Benaki Museum building at 138 Pireos Street, organised by the Bank of Greece Centre for Culture, Research and Documentation, in celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Bank of Greece. Athens 2018, p. 185,187.

Charis Kanellopoulou, New Versions of Landscape in the second half of the 20th century, catalogue of the exhibition Frames of reference: From the Bank of Greece Collection (1 watercolour, 1 oil painting). The new Benaki Museum building at 138 Pireos Street, organised by the Bank of Greece Centre for Culture, Research and Documentation, in celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Bank of Greece. Athens 2018, p. 177, 185, 187, 188, 229, 254.

Catalogue of the exhibition Printmaking as a social comment (1 copperplate engraving). House of Cyprus, Athens, Italian Institute, Athens, Athens Print Festival 2018. Produced by the Athens Printmaking Art Centre – Pandolfini & Siaterli CNPP, the Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Cyprus and the Museo Civico Delle Cappuccine – Gabinetto Delle Stampe di Bagnacavallo di Ravenna, Italy. Athens 2018, p. 126.

Nelli Kyriazi, catalogue of the exhibition Printmaking as a social comment. House of Cyprus, Athens, Italian Institute, Athens, Athens Print Festival 2018. Produced by the Athens Printmaking Art Centre – Pandolfini & Siaterli CNPP, the Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Cyprus and the Museo Civico Delle Cappuccine – Gabinetto Delle Stampe di Bagnacavallo di Ravenna, Italy. Athens 2018, p. 34, 140, 156.

Album Offer, Permanent Collection of the Agrinio Municipal Art Gallery (2 oil paintings, 3 wood engravings, 5 copperplate engravings), published by the Municipality of Agrinio, Agrinio Municipal Art Gallery, Agrinio 2019. p. 16, 77, 162 – 167, 190.

Catalogue of the exhibition Engraving. From Prehistory to Present-Day Greece (1 copperplate engraving). Athens School of Fine Arts. Organised by the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece, Athens 2021, p. 45, 78.

Catalogue of the exhibition Rebetiko (1 copperplate engraving). Athens Municipal Art Gallery & the Culture, Sports and Youth Organisation of the Municipality of Athens, Athens 2022, p. 82, 163.

Catalogue of the exhibition Engraving Life, Lambros Orfanos & Elli Mourelou – Orfanou, 1944 – 1966 (8 woodcuts, 2 colour and 1 black and white linoleums, 22 copperplate engravings, 1 copperplate engraving stage, 7 engraving drafts, 1 colour handmade silkscreen print, 2 books illustrated by L. Orfanos, 1 copperplate engraving by E. M. Orfanou and 1 woodcut as well as 1 copperplate engraving by Robert Cami, 45 artworks in total). Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Platanisteia, 2022, Cyprus, p. 2 – 33, cover, back cover.

Catalogue of the exhibition Engraving Life, Lambros Orfanos & Elli Mourelou – Orfanou, 1944 – 1966 (8 woodcuts, 2 colour and 1 black and white linoleums, 22 copperplate engravings, 1 copperplate engraving stage, 7 engraving drafts, 1 colour handmade silkscreen print, 2 books illustrated by L. Orfanos, 1 copperplate engraving by E. M. Orfanou and 1 woodcut as well as 1 copperplate engraving by Robert Cami, 45 artworks in total). Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Nicosia, 2022-23, Cyprus, p. 2 – 33, cover, back cover.

Hambis, Η Ομορφκιά τ’ αθθρώπου. Catalogue of the exhibition Engraving Life, Lambros Orfanos & Elli Mourelou – Orfanou, 1944 – 1966. Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Platanisteia 2022 – Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Nicosia 2022-23, Cyprus, p. 4.

Dimitra Siaterli, On the work of Lambros Orfanos at the Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum.  Catalogue of the exhibition Engraving Life, Lambros Orfanos & Elli Mourelou – Orfanou, 1944 – 1966. Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Platanisteia 2022 – Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Nicosia 2022-23, Cyprus, p. 5 – 6.

Helene Reeb – Tsangaris, Sensitivity, “in-sense” and virtuosity of Lambros Orfanos. Catalogue of the exhibition Engraving Life, Lambros Orfanos & Elli Mourelou – Orfanou, 1944 – 1966. Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Platanisteia 2022 – Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum, Nicosia 2022-23, Cyprus, p. 7.


Journals – Newspapers

Journal Νέα Εστία, issue 413 – 414, August – September 1944, A poplar (woodcut on endpaper).

Journal Νέα Εστία, issue 419 – 420, December 1944, Shacks (woodcut on endpaper)

Journal Νέα Εστία, issue 431, June 1945, Olives (woodcut on endpaper).

Journal Νέα Εστία, issue 435, August 1945, Trees (woodcut on endpaper).

Journal Νέα Εστία, issue 441, November 1945, Trees (woodcut on endpaper).

Journal Καλλιτεχνική Ελλάδα, Γράμματα-Τέχνες, April – May – June 1945, issues 4 – 6, Old Athens (woodcut), p. 40.

Journal Νέα Εστία, issue 444, January 1946, Boats (woodcut on endpaper).

Δ. Ε. Evangelidis, Exhibitions, Journal Νέα Εστία, issue 514, December 1948, p. 1509.

Sp. Panagiotopoulos, Painting, New Tendencies, Newspaper Έθνος, 17 November 1948.

Mar. Kalligas, The world of art, Newspaper Το Βήμα, 2 February 1951.

  1. Kallonas, Exhibition of painting, sculpture and architecture (Association of Bank of Greece Employees), Newspaper Βραδυνή, 23.2.1951.

Sp. Panagiotopoulos, Exhibitions Critique, Newspaper Έθνος, 21 February 1951.

An. Lazaridis, Painting, Bank of Greece Club, journal Ελληνική Δημιουργία, issue 74/ 1.3.1951, p. 413.

El. Vakalo, PanHellenic Exhibition, watercolours, engraving, Newspaper Τα Νέα, 10 May 1952.

  1. E. Evangelidis, Exhibitions. 4th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition (Painting), journal Νέα Εστία, issue 598, June 1952, p. 763.
  2. E. Evangelidis, Exhibitions. 4th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition (Engraving), journal Νέα Εστία, issue 599, June 1952, p. 831
  3. Kallonas, The 4th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition at the Zappeion Megaron, Newspaper Βραδυνή 15.4.1952.

Ang. Prokopiou, The 1952 Pan-Hellenic Exhibition, Newspaper Η Καθημερινή, 13.5.1952.

  1. Kontogiannis, Engraving Award, Newspaper Τα Νέα, 17 July 1953.

Ang. Prokopiou, Conversation with R. Cami, Newspaper Η Καθημερινή, August 1954.

  1. Petreas, Exhibitions Critique – Paris Salon d’Automne, Newspaper Έθνος, 1 December 1954.
  2. Petreas, Exhibitions Critique – Paris Salon d’Automne, Newspaper Έθνος, 15 December 1954.

Ach. Mamakis, Art news report, Newspaper Τα Νέα, 5 July 1955.

Journal Ζυγός issues 19 – 20, May – June 1957, p. 10 (Mme Marthe, copperplate engraving) and p. 24.

Ang. Prokopiou, The 5th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition (The Self-portrait), Newspaper Καθημερινή, 26 June 1957 (photo of artwork: Bouzoukia).

Sp. Panagiotopoulos, The 5th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition, Newspaper Έθνος, 27.6.1957.

  1. X. Evangelidis, Exhibitions. The 5th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition (Engraving), journal Νέα Εστία, issue 721, July 1957, p. 1023.

Journal Ζυγός, number 22-23, August – September 1957, p. 34 (Nude, long-grain woodcut).

  1. Ch. Konstantopoulos, The 5th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition, Newspaper Απογευματινή, 03.07.1957.

El. Vakalo, Engraving and Decoration at the 5th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition, Newspaper Τα Νέα, 26 July 1957.

Journal Ζυγός, January – February 1958, p. 30 – 31 (Text and photographs of the artworks: Birds, Cacti, Bouzoukia, White (wooden) Horse, Le Tir).

Sp. Panagiotopoulos, The Modern Greek Art, journal Νέα Εστία, issue 772, September 1959, p. 1149.

Journal Ραδιοπρόγραμμα 30 October – 5 November 1960, Girl with a rooster (copperplate engraving, cover).

Journal Εκλογή 14 August 1950, Shooting (silkscreen print on the cover) Newspaper Η Αυγή, 26.11.1960.

  1. Konstantopoulos, Newspaper Απογευματινή, 26.11.1960.

An. Lazaridis, Missing texts, Journal Εκλογή, 4 December 1960, p. 62.

Journal Δημοσιότης και Προβολή, Issue 24, December 1960, Article: Sp. Panagiotopoulos, A. Giatagana, L. Orfanos, Research on Greek Postage Stamps

Journal Δημοσιότης και Προβολή, issue 25, 1961 (Poster for the Population Census, cover).

Journal Ο ΚΥΚΛΟΣ, issue 4, October 1951, artwork on frontispiece: Anniversary (pastel).

Ang. Prokopiou, Exhibition Critique, Newspaper Η Καθημερινή, issue number 15312, July 1962.

Journal Ο ΚΥΚΛΟΣ, issue 13, July 1962, artwork on frontispiece: Impression (oil painting).

Mary Kavvadia, Greek Engravers in America, journal Νέες Μορφές, issue 5, September – October 1962, p. 61.

Michalis Santorinios, Exhibition of Greek Engraving Works in America – Oregon University, Newspaper Τα Νέα, 02.10.1962.

  1. Dimakopoulou, Greek Art Exhibition in Israel, journal Νέες Μορφές, issue 5, September – October 1962, p. 39 – 40. Journal Ζυγός, May 1963, photo of artwork on p. 48.
  2. Petris, The 7th Pan-Hellenic Exhibition at Zappeion Megaron, journal Επιθεώρηση Τέχνης, May 1963, p. 511.
  3. Petris, The Exhibitions of Athens, journal Επιθεώρηση Τέχνης, May 1964, p. 506.

Journal Ο ΚΥΚΛΟΣ, issue 37, July 1964, artwork on frontispiece: Saint-Germain-des-Prés (oil painting).

Journal Ο ΚΥΚΛΟΣ, issue 40, October 1964, artwork on frontispiece: Autumn (drawing).

Journal Ο ΚΥΚΛΟΣ, issue 43, January 1965, artwork on frontispiece: Impression (oil painting).

Journal Ο ΚΥΚΛΟΣ, issue 55, January 1966, artwork on frontispiece: Composition (oil painting).

Journal Ο ΚΥΚΛΟΣ, issue 70, April 1967, artwork on frontispiece: The white horse (copperplate engraving).

Journal Ο ΚΥΚΛΟΣ, issue 79, March 1968, artwork on frontispiece: Composition

Journal Ο ΚΥΚΛΟΣ, issue 83, March 1969, p. 14 (Impression V, oil) and p. 29.

Sp. Panagiotopoulos, Newspaper Έθνος, 15.1.1969.

Representative Exhibition at Ώρα Art Gallery, Newspaper Τα Νέα, 22.07.1969.

  1. Angelopoulos – Ch. Kevork, Banknotes printed at the Bank of Greece Banknote Printing Works, journal Θυρίδα, 1984 Β, p. 25.
  2. Vourna, Lambros Orfanos – Creator of several Greek Banknotes, Journal Συλλογές, July 1994, Cover: 9 Engraving works on steel: Aristotle, Logo of the Bank of Greece, Demosthenes, Grigorios Dimitrios Dikaios-Flessas [Papaflessas], the Parthenon Marbles, King George II, Nikitas Stamatelopoulos [Nikitaras], Tanagra figurine, Basil II Porphyrogenitus [Voulgaroktonos / the Bulgar Slayer].
  3. Vourna, Lambros Orfanos – Creator of several Greek Banknotes, Journal Συλλογές, August 1994 (centrefold). 3 Engraving works on steel: portrait of Elisabeth II Queen of England, Bank of Canada, 50-drachma banknote (Arethusa) Bank of Greece, 50-drachma banknote (Poseidon), 1 oil painting: self-portrait.
Artist's artworks